How to buy a British kitten

Familiarize yourself with the conditions for purchasing British kittens in our cattery, the possibility of delivery, the guarantees provided.
British kittens in our cattery are sold under the contract. The terms of the contract and the cost of the kitten are negotiated separately with each buyer.
The price of a British kitten can vary from 3000 to 10000 USD and more and depends on various factors: on the breed qualities of a kitten, on the purpose of acquiring a kitten, on color (popularity for a particular color may change from time to time) and other circumstances.
First of all, you need to decide on the purpose of the acquisition:
- You want a British kitten exclusively as a pet with the possibility of spaying at puberty. It is possible to purchase a kitten already spayed at the age of 4 months.
- You need a sire to permanently breed British kittens. British cats under breeding are expensive and this is due not only and not so much to the pedigree qualities of a kitten, but to the widespread breeder guarantees that are included in the contract. Conditions for purchasing a British kitten for breeding It depends on where you live, whether you have experience living in breeding kittens, how many nurseries are in the future, etc.
Breed qualities of a kitten are inherited from parents. If the parents give to a friend, except that they are successfully delivered and receive excellent marks from judges, titles and awards at international cat shows, then the likely number of kittens will also be worthy. British kittens in the first year can live differently. But at the time of sale, the kitten must be healthy, well developed, with no visible genetic defects. In the contract for the purchase of a British kitten for breeding, our cattery guarantees excellent marks from two different judges at the International Cat Show during the first year of the kitten’s life.
The cost of a British kitten depends on the increase in its moment of transfer to a new owner. In our cattery you can buy a kitten at the age of 12 weeks (not earlier). At the time of the transfer, the kitten had already been dewormed and given the first vaccination against viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus infection, feline panleukopenia, and possibly (depending on the vaccine) chlamydia.
Rabies vaccination for British kittens is done no earlier than 3 months of age, after vaccination, quarantine is 21 days. Therefore, the kitten will be 3.5 months old at the time of sale.
We have the opportunity to purchase an already sterilized kitten, and this is also noticeable on its cost. In this case, the kitten can be picked up no earlier than 4 months of age.
If you want to buy a British kitten in our cattery, on our website.
Kittens become available for booking after 4 weeks of age.
We provide assistance in organizing the delivery of British kittens from our cattery to new owners. Namely, we can
- recommend a carrier;
- chipping a kitten;
- buy a carrier, if necessary;
- take the kitten to the airport, or train station, or other meeting point with a courier or the buyer’s trustee to send the kitten to its destination.
The cost of delivery is determined by the carrier by agreement directly with the buyer. All costs associated with the delivery of the kitten are paid by the buyer. There is no need to pay for our services separately.
We are often told sad stories about how they bought a British kitten (it is not clear where), but he turned out to be sick… And this is really sad, because you get used to the kids with both your soul and heart, and it is very painful to lose them. When a baby is sick, kind people are ready for any expenses, just to help the poor thing, alleviate suffering, save from death. And if, nevertheless, the irreparable happens, then next time such a tragedy will certainly be avoided. Therefore, serious people approach the choice of a kitten responsibly.
We take good care of our cats, keep them clean and comfortable, timely deworm, vaccinate and regularly do the necessary tests to be sure of the health of our pets.
Under the terms of the contract, you have the right, at your own expense, within 7 days from the date of transfer of the British kitten, to make tests for the presence of any diseases, and we guarantee a refund of the full cost of the kitten if you provide a certificate from a licensed veterinary clinic that at the time of sale the kitten was already sick.